Laboratory of IR spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy
IR-Fourier spectrometer NEXUS E.S.P. (Thermo Scientific, USA)
Priority Directions of Investigations: identification of organic and inorganic substances; research of the of chemical bond nature; study of molecular and supermolecular structure of polymers and researches of processes of their destruction; research of the special properties of element in different chemical compounds; definition of the components purity in organic synthesis and pharmaceutics
IR-Fourier microscope Nicolet iN 10 (Thermo Scientific, USA)
The Nicolet iS10 FT-IR spectrometer is a complete infrared spectroscopy system for routine analytical needs. The Nicolet iS10 delivers the highest confidence in the verification and identification of materials
Laboratory 211 Building 3 13а Sverdlova st. MINSK 220050
Phone number: +375 (17) 397-81-32